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147 Storytelling Games and Creative Activities for the Classroom and the Home
Chris Smith PhD and Kate Barron MEd
This collection of storytelling games and creative activities provides a clear, concise and rich source of ideas for how to learn and play through storytelling. Sections include speaking and listening games, learning to tell a story, drama, movement, music, poetry, writing, story recycling and story creation.
All activities are tried and tested in Storytelling Schools classrooms across the UK and beyond. They will provide a rich addition to every educator’s kitbag of ways to inspire, energise and engage through storytelling. Each exercise is presented in brief outline for the educator to adopt and adapt as they need.
The book is suitable for classroom teachers, early years workers, home educators, team leaders and anyone who wants to play around with stories in a creative and engaging way. It is also a great resource for parents who like to play at storytelling and storymaking with their children.
Price £14.99 Published: 2020, Twinberrow Publishing.